Affirmers in Your Life

Today is a very special day. Let’s be thankful for the people who extended us a hand to help us throughout our lives. In most of the circumstances these are the people who pushed us to move towards something better in our life, even that those circumstances sometimes where unpleasant to us. That is something normal, since most of us do not embrace change in spite knowing it is for us becoming better people.

Think of that teacher in your early years that pushed you just a little bit harder. Think of the invaluable advice received from your parents, maybe some thoughtful relatives of yours having your well being ahead of theirs. Think of a negative experience that pushed you to change, only to realize later that was a steppingstone in your personal development. God works in mysterious ways.

We should learn from the positives and also from the negatives. Our experience is invaluable in overcoming obstacles, but the experience of others is even of greater value. Think of the people you've followed in your life to get you to the point where you are standing today. These are the mentors in your life. We can be influenced positively or negatively. It is our responsibility, our own choice, to choose the right path based on what results we want to accomplish. Sometimes probably you ask yourself, "I wish there was a better way." The better way is here. The choice is yours to follow that better way. Knowing why we want these results is much more important than knowing how. The question is: Are you following (mentoring with) the people who already have the results you want to accomplish? If not, that is an indicator that something has to change in your life. Success begins with information from the correct source. Remember the definition of Insanity in Albert Einstein own words, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I will finish with another quote from Albert Einstein, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” God bless, Tiberius Apavaloaie


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